Happy Canada Day!: A Canadian Author Wednesday Wishlist

Happy July and Happy Canada Day!

I love Canada. I’ve been there a few times over the years and have always enjoyed my visits. Most recently, we were in Victoria in British Columbia and it’s gorgeous. (I have also been to the Canada Pavilion in EPCOT at Walt Disney World more than a few times, and I like that too :p)

Okay. This is mostly why I like the Canada Pavilion. This is the inside of Le Cellier steakhouse. Can you say pretzel bread?? Anyway...

Okay. This is mostly why I like the Canada Pavilion. This is the inside of Le Cellier steakhouse. Can you say pretzel bread?? Anyway…

I am trying to come up with some more ideas for posts during the week when I don’t always have time to finish and review books. I just followed a whole bunch of great blogs for some inspiration and on Wednesdays I am now going to post a short list of books I would eventually like to read. Since it’s Canada Day, my first wishlist is going to only feature works from Canadian-born authors.

1. The MaddAddam Trilogy – Margaret Atwood

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I don’t know why I haven’t read more by Margaret Atwood. I loved The Handmaid’s Tale. Some of my friends in high school read Oryx and Crake, the first book of the trilogy, but it wasn’t assigned to my class. Now that this series is complete, I would really like to make the attempt.

2. The Deptford Trilogy – Robertson Davies

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I actually have a copy in my house of all three books in one edition, so I can read this sooner rather than later! 🙂

3. The Adventures of Augie March – Saul Bellow


This book won the National Book Award in 1954 and is often considered one of the greatest American novels, but Bellow was born in Quebec, so it can go on my list.

4. The View from Castle Rock – Alice Munro


I am only just getting into short story collections and Munro has a lot to explore. In Victoria, we visited Munro’s Books, a great independent bookstore originally founded by Munro and her husband. The store was beautiful both inside and out, and everyone who worked there was so helpful. I hope to visit again someday!

5. The Blue Castle – L.M. Montgomery


We all know her for the beloved Anne of Green Gables books, but Montgomery also wrote a few adult novels.

6. The Winter Sea and The Firebird – Susanna Kearsley

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I have not read any of her books yet, but this historical fiction series sounds amazing to me and has very good reviews as well.

7. The Orenda – Joseph Boyden


This book sounds absolutely stunning and takes place in the Canadian wilderness in the 1600s.

8. The Luminaries – Eleanor Catton


The Luminaries won the Booker Prize in 2013 and has been on my TBR basically since it  came out.